Hammock Pawleys Island Tree Straps

Well Made5

Strong strap good heavy hardware. If you use it (or anything else) on pine trees you'll have to clean it up.

Regarding another reviewer's comment: no you're not stuck with too long or too short a tail. Here's what to do.

Begin by holding the loop on the tree and wind around the tree until you get to the ring end.

Stop at the "too long" setting pass the ring through the loop and continue around the tree IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. At some point you'll have the length you need - however it will probably be pointing in a wrong direction. Note where it's pointing!

Now undo it all and begin again but this time start the loop end at a point on the tree where after you've wrapped it all the ring end will point in your desired direction (toward the hammock).

If you think you'll use the same tree again mark the starting point with a small notch on the tree and hanging the hammock will be a snap.

More detail ...


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